Friday, September 10, 2010

Creepy Crawlies

Ok, guys, Ms. Drama is back.  Bear with me, please.  So just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it did.  I told myself I would stop harping on the bathrooms, but then after the experience I just had, I wouldn't feel right if I didn't share it with those of you out there kind enough to read this blog.  Lemme explain to you a little something I have discovered after staying in at least 6 consecutive campgrounds.  You always enter the bathroom with a sense of hopeful trepidation.  It's a hope that maybe, just maybe this one might be better than the last.  More often than not, you enter the bathroom, only to declare that this is the worst, most disgusting one yet.  But then, as the week goes on, and the bathroom isn't cleaned, your disgust turns into a sense of recognition.  Like, "I recognize that clump of hair in the drain--it's MINE!"  Or, "I recognize that dead cricket in the left corner of the shower, he's been there for 6 days!  His name is Fred."  And the sense of disgust turns into a peaceful recognition.  But this one, well, it takes the cake.  No peaceful recognition here.

Where to begin....We made it to a campground/RV park in Shreveport, LA this afternoon.  We will arrive in Texas tomorrow.  Sean warned me that the showers were scary at the RV park in Mississippi yesterday, so I told myself I'd skip the shower and take one today.  I immediately regret that decision.  Is it acceptable to go 2 full days without shower, when waiting till tomorrow will make it 3???  What if it's been like a million degrees outside with 100% humidity?  Can I somehow manage to fit into this?

Maybe if I squeeze myself nice and small, I will fit?!!?

So, I went for a nice long walk with Beckett and Cooper around the campground and decided it was time to check out the bathrooms.  I dropped off baby and chicken dog with daddy, and made the trek to the bathroom.  As I cut through the grass, hundreds of tiny fly mosquito hybrids attacked me.  Ahhh....nature.  I love you.  As I arrived at the bathroom, a blue, yes, a blue lizard was frantically trying to get into the bathroom.  WHY would any living creature in it's right mind (insects not included) want to make it's way into the bathroom?  I would soon have my answer.  The floor was crusted with thousands of fly mosquitoes.  And what was that sound????  A LOUD deafening fan was sitting in the only window doing nothing for air circulation and blocking any sunlight that might happen to come in. 

Ok, so I had to document this on camera for you.  I mean, have you ever heard the expression, "it made my toes curl?"  I never really understood it until I realized that while in the bathroom, my toes were unconsciously curling.  So here is my disclaimer...if you have a weak stomach, scroll fast.  I will help distract you from your horror with happy pictures in between.
My first sight.  Sink with dead fly mosquito hybrids.  Not so bad.  I can handle it.
Bonding boys
Wait...what is on the shower floor.....

Look at me, I'm cute, and not scary like shower floors!


Big boy outfit and no scary bugs in sight
Avert your eyes, AVERT!!!!!!!!!! (Do you know how close I had to get to that thing to get this shot!?!?)
Look at me!!!!  Take as much time as you need to recover!
And a little treat as I frantically ran for the exit. A dying daddy longleg.

If you made it this far, thank you.   

The happy family :)

Alright, I must go figure out how to get clean.  Don't worry--I assure you it won't be in that shower.  Until then, I wish you clean showers and uncurled toes.


  1. OMG that is SO GROSS! I'm so sorry! EEEEEEEEEW!
    Love Beckett's outfit and BOOTS! :) and I LOVE the happy family pic! SOOOOO perfect!
    Miss y'all! love Mich!

  2. I know, Mich! Aren't the boots perfect?? I meant to give a shout-out to your mom for buying the darling things! Miss you, too!

  3. aaahahahahaaa!!! Ok not laughing at the bugs, because honestly I would have died!! I'm laughing at my amazingly optimistic friend who cares enough to mix in handsome pictures of Beckett to distract from the horribly disgusting bugs! Love you AND hopefully that gross bathroom will be the worst!

  4. They make waterless shower soap... Chip used to sell it with medical supplies. You might be able to find it at a mom and pop pharmacy (it is targeted towards older people who may not be able to shower). He said you could get something called Ready Bath that is wipes too. They also have dry shampoo... Tresemme just came out with a new one... just spray and you're done :). Hope this helps :). That shower would have being very very dirty before showering in that.

  5. Wow! That was nasty! But I love the cute pics in between :-)

  6. OMG Joane, after the first 2 pictures I had to scroll down to the bottom. I wouldn't have even been able to be in there long enough to take pictures! You are so brave!
